Through consultancy, design, provision and management of facility and energy management services we rethink your buildings and working environments, applying innovative digital solutions and tools.

Facility and Energy Management
We design, deliver and coordinate all services related to real estate, including optimisation of energy consumption.
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Digital advice
Through highly specialised digital consultancy and the use of the latest technology, we show you the best ways to manage your property.
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Services 4.0
By exploiting the latest technologies applied to Facility and Energy Management, we optimise office and building management by cutting down waste and consumption, thus ensuring the optimal operation of your facilities and much more.

Installation and Maintenance of systems
We build, operate and maintain your property's systems.
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Energy Efficiency
We improve your energy efficiency with targeted interventions that achieve medium- to long-term consumption savings and higher standards of sustainability.
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Maintenance of green areas
We provide landscape engineering, construction and maintenance of parks, public and private gardens, terraces and green spaces and secondary urbanisation works.
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General contracting
As the sole operational manager, we co-ordinate resources, services and all site-related activities until the works are released with maximum respect for costs, technical specifications and planned schedules.
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Cleaning of residential and industrial premises
The cleaning of workplaces is a necessary service to ensure the well-being and health of those who live there for many hours a day.
Learn moreThanks to our many years of experience and the Group's vertical expertise, we can offer you dedicated services according to your space or area of expertise
Buildings and offices
From business centres to public administration, we have different solutions for any of your building needs.Learn moreLogistic hubs
We can suggest and develop the best solutions to make your logistics centre more efficient and sustainable.Learn moreStores and shopping centres
We take care of your branches on a daily basis, from the correct functioning of their systems to their energy efficiency.Learn moreHealth offices
Our experience in the health and personal care sector enables us to offer targeted and timely advice.Learn moreSchools and Universities
We work with educational institutions (kindergartens, schools and universities) to make them more welcoming and pleasant.Learn moreProperty
Business centres, offices, logistics, shops and supermarkets: all types of property to which we are able to offer our services.Learn moreLogistics and Transport
We suggest and develop the best solutions to make your logistics centre more efficient and sustainable.Learn moreChemical-Pharmaceutical
We cooperate with a number of operators in the sector, offering services tailored to their specific needs and characteristics.Learn moreDistribution and retail
We take care of your branches and outlets on a daily basis, adapting to the evolution of this dynamic sector.Learn moreInsurance and finance
We provide facility and energy management support for your properties and buildings.Learn moreRealizzazione e manutenzione di impianti
I nostri tecnici sono formati per progettare e gestire sicurezza e intervento tecnico, comprese pratiche e documenti amministrativi di tutti i tuoi impianti.
Sostenibilità ed efficientamento energetico
Interveniamo in modo da migliorare le performance degli edifici, con l’obiettivo di ridurre i consumi e i relativi costi, raggiungendo standard più alti di sostenibilità.
Facility ed energy management
Progettiamo, gestiamo, eroghiamo e coordiniamo tutti i servizi relativi agli immobili: sia per gli ambienti di lavoro, che per le persone che ne utilizzano gli spazi.
Ti offriamo una consulenza specializzata in base alle tue esigenze, operando per soddisfare le tue necessità, con competenza e innovazione.
Realizzazione, conduzione e manutenzione
Impianti elettrici
Impianti termomeccanici
Fonia e dati
Impianti di sicurezza
Impianti di rilevazione incendi
Presidi antincendio
Impianti di sollevamento
Gruppo elettrogeno
Reperibilità H 24
Presidi tecnici on-site
Ristrutturazioni edili
Riqualificazione e revamping impianti
Due diligence energetiche
Supporto tecnico e normativo
Progettazione e relayout ambienti di lavoro e impianti
Diagnosi energetica
Efficientamento energetico grazie alla gestione dei consumi da remoto
General Contracting
Rifacimento edile
Rivestimento facciate
Riallineamento terreno con perlite
Creazione di una nuova area verde
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Do you need advice?
Legal and operational headquarters
Via Assunta, 61 – Building D
(angolo Via La Malfa)
20834 – Nova Milanese (MB)
Tel. +39 0362 080002
Fax +39 0362 459641
Office Roma
Via Adriano Olivetti 24
00131 – Roma
Tel. +39 06 45551300
Fax +39 06 45776330
Office Bologna
Via dei Lapidari, 13
40129 – Bologna (BO)
Tel. +39 051 6651890
Fax +39 051 6655091
Office Verona
Via T. A. Edison, 41
37135 – Verona (VR)
Tel. +39 340 429 8270
Office Genova
Corso F. Maria Perrone, 39 HR
16152 - Genova (GE)
Tel. +39 010 8599425
Office Firenze (General Contracting)
Via Renato Bruschi, 128
50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Office Middle East
3852 Khaleej Rd, Ash Shati Ash Sharqi
31421 - Dammam
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia